CIBAFI has a unique role in the global architecture of Islamic finance – it is the only member-based organisation that exists to promote the interests of Islamic finance practitioners. The architects of CIBAFI saw the institution as having its members as the immediate stakeholders and believe that its services should evolve closely in line with its members’ needs and priorities. As a result, CIBAFI has, under the direction of its Board of Directors and its Chairman, developed an expanding set of products and initiatives that provide members with a wide range of benefits. In line with its mission to represent the Islamic financial industry globally, CIBAFI also has a broader role, to protect the industry and raise the level of cooperation between members to achieve the intended goals and interaction with key public-sector authorities and multilateral institutions. In an aim of executing its Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025, the Secretariat is pleased to report on CIBAFI’s activities in a form of the yearly activities reports.